αααα·ααααααααΌαααΉααααααΌαααΈααΆααα αααααααα α ααα»ααΌα
αααα αΎαααΆαααΉααααααααΌααααααααααααΉαααααΌαα
αααΆαααααα αΌαααα 10αααα - This product is shipped from Thailand. Delivery to Phnom Penh takes up to 10 days.
Product size
- 3.5 Feet, Size 150 x 200cm, Weight 2kg
- 5 Feet, Size 180 x 220cm, Weight 2.5kg
- 6 Feet, Size 200 x 230cm, Weight 3kg
Product Details
- Made from Premium Grade silk cotton wool wrapped in polyester silk fabric. Fine texture, soft touch
- Thick duvet, soft, puffy, fluffy, soft fibers, extra warm. Good weight, close to the body.
- Fibers do not pile up into lumps. Spread all over the duvet, making the duvet soft and fluffy.
- Good ventilation Soft and light touch Handles like cotton wool
- Is soft, fluffy, highly flexible, and wicks away moisture well.
- Long service life More durable than general duvets
- The fibers are the same piece. Can be washed without lumps while washing, not thin, not shrinking.
- Prevents dust mites, no smell
- Has the ability to keep the temperature cool and comfortable, gentle cool feeling
- The duvet can be washed and cleaned. with a temperature not exceeding 60 Β°C
*** Quilt should be worn with a duvet cover. to make the colors match the set and easy to clean It will make the whole cloth smooth. There will be air inside the fabric, making it even softer and fluffier***