សាប៊ូដុសក្រិន សាប៊ូផ្សំពីធ្យូងធម្មជាតិ ឫស្សី និងប្រេងរុក្ខជាតិដែលជួយដុសសម្អាត ស្បែកក្រិនខ្មៅដូចជាជង្គង់ ក្លៀកខ្មៅ កែងដៃ ភ្នែកគោជើង តែមិនមែនជាសាប៊ូដុសខ្លួនទេ ផលិតផលពីជប៉ុន - Reveal smoother, more radiant skin with this exfoliating body soap from Japan made with bamboo charcoal, kaolin, bentonite and cypress oil. Together, these ingredients get rid of dead skin cells that make skin look dark and dull, as well as removing excess sebum and impurities. Give extra attention to areas prone to roughness and darkening like the knees, armpits, groin and elbows to achieve an even-toned complexion. Give extra attention to areas prone to roughness and darkening like the knees, armpits, groin and elbows to achieve an even-toned complexion. Reveal smoother, more radiant skin with this exfoliating body soap from Japan.
របៀបប្រើ៖ លាងកន្លែងដែលខ្មៅអោយសើម រួចដុសសាប៊ូថ្នមៗមួយសន្ទុះរួចលាងសម្អាតនឹងទឹកក្តៅឧណ្ឌៗ
How to Use: Wet your skin and soap with lukewarm water. Let slip the soap like stroking on your skin. The scrub removes dirts and smooths your skin. Rinse gently with lukewarm water.